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Gateway’s Editorial Guidelines were created to provide standards to follow when representing Gateway through writing. These guidelines serve as reference for the Marketing and Communications department, faculty, staff and students who write for Gateway on any platform, including social media, our website, publications or promotional pieces. 

Our voice: When representing Gateway Technical College through writing, use a casual, conversational tone and vocabulary that someone with an eighth grade reading level could easily understand. Address the reader directly as “you” and keep your information clear and concise. Use active voice. 

Our style: Generally, Gateway follows the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook. If you have a question or are unsure of correct phrasing, please first consult these guidelines, then consult the AP Stylebook. If you are still unsure, please contact the Marketing and Communications department.

View the Editorial Guidelines to see the specific rules when writing to represent the college. 

Translated Documents

Marketing materials that need to be translated into another language must be requested through the Marketing department. All materials are written in English and sent to an external vendor for translations and reviewed internally to ensure the copy meets editorial guidelines and is consistent with our brand tone and voice.

Copy and Layout Best Practices

Gateway’s Copy and Layout Best Practices serve as a guide for frequently requested marketing materials. The guidelines include recommended word count, font size, color contrast, necessary elements and other considerations, in addition to an example of each deliverable (poster, TV screen etc.), to help ensure consistency, clarity and accessibility in our communications.