Applying for and Determining Aid

We’ve broken down everything you need to know into simple pieces. Have more questions? Come to a Student Finance Workshop!

Types of Financial Aid

A variety of grants, loans and work study funds are available through federal, state and private sources to support you in advancing your education. Do you know everything you need to know about the key forms of financial aid? 

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How to Apply for Financial Aid

We’ve put all the steps to apply for financial aid into one convenient checklist, so you can take the next step toward your educational and career goals!

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Eligibility Requirements

To receive financial aid administered by Gateway, students need to meet a number of criteria related to enrollment, program acceptance and citizenship statuses, among other criteria. They also need to submit their FAFSA and associated documents in addition to disclosing any third party funding and may be subject to verification.

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FSA ID and Password

The FSA ID allows students and parents to securely access the Federal Student Aid website. Creating an FSA ID username and password is the fastest way to sign your FAFSA and have it processed. Plus, it’s the only way to access or correct your information online or to prefill an online FAFSA form with the previous year's information. You can create an FSA ID if you don’t have one or click here if you have an FSA ID but don't remember your username or password. Parents: If you created an FSA ID when you were a student, don’t create a new one one. Only one FSA ID can be linked to any Social Security number.

Determining Your Aid Package

Once your FAFSA and documents are received, your "Expected Family Contribution" or "EFC" is subtracted from your Cost of Attendance Budget to determine your demonstrated financial need. Your EFC is the amount you and your family are expected to be able to contribute to the cost of education according to the standard Federal formula explained in this guide. Enrollment, living situation, tuition, fees, book costs, personal expenses and other factors are factored into a "Cost of Attendance,” which reflects the average costs of attending Gateway Technical College for a term and/or academic year.

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Clock-to-credit Conversion

Find out how this federal requirement affects financial aid eligibility for certain technical diploma programs.

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Request for Revision

If income used to calculate financial aid eligibility changes drastically due to situations like unemployment, high medical or care bills, death or divorce, you may request a review of your FAFSA application to see if you are eligible for additional funds. This Request for Revision (RFR) process may start only after receiving your award letter. The RFR process must be completed while the student is still enrolled. Once a student is no longer enrolled, they forfeit their right to an RFR. High mortgage, rent or car payments and marriages or the birth of children do not qualify for a RFR. If you think you qualify, call 1-800-247-7122 and speak with a Student Finance Specialist or email

Dependency Override

Students that normally need to provide parent information on the FAFSA might have unusual circumstances that prevent them from obtaining parent information. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to: death of parent(s), parent incarceration, drug/alcohol addiction of parent, abandonment or mental, sexual or physical abuse of the student by the parent. These circumstances do not include: parent refusal to give information and/or documents needed to complete the FAFSA, student no longer living with parent, or parent no longer claiming student for tax purposes. Students will need to provide documentation of circumstances for this process. The Dependency Override process must be completed while the student is still enrolled. Once a student is no longer enrolled, they forfeit their right to be granted a Dependency Override. If you think you qualify, call 1-800-247-7122 and speak with a Student Finance Specialist or email


About 30% of all FAFSA filers are selected for a process called verification. Verification requires schools to collect documentation to check the accuracy of the information reported on the FAFSA. If you are selected for verification, the verification process must be completed before financial aid can be awarded.

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