Janus, Lori |
janusl@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Life Sciences |
Elkhorn |
2625642085 |
Bevis, Durward |
bevisd@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Science Technical Assistant |
Racine |
2625642998 |
Dutton, Nicole |
duttonn@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology |
Racine |
2625642086 |
Sorensen, Timothy |
SorensenT@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Life Sciences |
Racine |
2625642523 |
Betrabet, Geeta |
betrabetg@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Natural Science |
Kenosha |
2625642578 |
Zakutansky, Donald |
zakutanskyd@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Life Sciences |
Kenosha |
2625642862 |
Yocum, Kevin |
yocumk@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Natural Science |
Elkhorn |
2625642697 |
McLaughlin, Richard |
McLaughlinR@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Life Sciences |
Kenosha |
2625642316 |
Meyer, Andrew |
meyera@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Science Technical Assistant |
Elkhorn |
2625642776 |
Wood, Thomas |
woodt@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Science Technical Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625642370 |
Boldt, Melvin |
boldtm@gtc.edu |
Motorcycle/moped Driver Ed |
Adjunct - Motorcycle Safety |
Kandray, Mark |
kandraym@gtc.edu |
Motorcycle/moped Driver Ed |
Adjunct - Motorcycle Safety |
Kruss, Lindsay |
krussl@gtc.edu |
Motorcycle/moped Driver Ed |
Adjunct - Motorcycle Safety |
Kehnemuyic, Craig |
kehnemuyicc@gtc.edu |
Motorcycle/moped Driver Ed |
Adjunct - Motorcycle Safety |
Cohen, Brian |
cohenb@gtc.edu |
Motorcycle/moped Driver Ed |
Adjunct - Motorcycle Safety |
Hamm, Brian |
hammb@gtc.edu |
Motorcycle/moped Driver Ed |
Adjunct - Motorcycle Safety |
Brantley, Daijah |
brantleyd@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Adjunct - SoH - Medical Assistant |
Mertes, Victoria |
mertesv@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Instructor, Medical Assistant |
Elkhorn |
2625642698 |
Diaz-Navarro, Vanessa |
diaznavarrov@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Instructor, Medical Assistant |
Racine |
2625643151 |
Orozco, Krystal |
orozcok@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Instructor, Medical Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625643159 |
Lange, Adam |
langeaj@gtc.edu |
Mechanical Technology |
Adjunct - Mechanical Design |
Wall, Robert |
WallR@gtc.edu |
Mechanical Technology |
Adjunct - Mechanical Design |
Eaton, David |
eatonw@gtc.edu |
Mechanical Technology |
Instructor, Mechanical Design |
2625643462 |
Chapman, Gregory |
chapmangr@gtc.edu |
Mechanical Technology |
Instructor, Mechanical Design |
2625642674 |
Kirkwood, Larry |
KirkwoodL@gtc.edu |
Mathematics - Wedd |
Instructor, Mathematics |
2625642504 |
Kelley, Dawn |
kelleyd@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Math |
Zambo, Steve |
zambos@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642100 |
Nicolo, Debra |
nicolod@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Math |
Du Prey, Michael |
DupreyM@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Natural Science |
Elkhorn |
2625642709 |
Johnson, Marcia |
johnsonm@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Math |
Yu, Qun |
yuq@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Kenosha |
2625642444 |
Easley, Maybelle |
easleym@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Math |
Racine |
Froh, Meghan |
frohm@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Kenosha |
2625642820 |
Lin, Xiaoying |
linx@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642479 |
Rizek, Manal |
rizekm@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642502 |
Keshavarzi, Rokhak |
keshavarzir@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Kenosha |
2625642996 |
Baumann, Kathryn |
BaumannK@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Mathematics |
Boyd, David |
boydd@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Kenosha |
2625642687 |
Lyons, Daniel |
lyonsd@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics/Physics |
Racine |
2625642441 |
Kindle, Dezarrea |
kindled@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Math |
Wisneski, Thomas |
wisneskit@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
WEB Designer |
Kenosha |
2625643230 |
Gunia, Kristin |
guniak@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Director, Marketing and Communications |
Kenosha |
2625643044 |
Wisneski, Jayme |
wisneskij@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Communication Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625643182 |
Ford, Abbie |
forda@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Manager, Community Relations and Communications |
Kenosha |
2625642536 |
Lebrick, Greg |
lebrickg@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Specialist - Creative |
Kenosha |
2625642530 |
Jayasuriya, Sahan |
jayasuriyas@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Communication Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642194 |
Stern, Andrea |
sterna@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Specialist - Creative and Graphic Design |
Kenosha |
2625642624 |
Tenaglia, Kathryn |
tenagliak@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Digital Marketing & Content Strategist |
Kenosha |
2625643140 |
Villarreal, Blanca |
villarrealb@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing & Communication Associate |
Kenosha |
2625643222 |
Kramer, Pamela |
kramerp@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Project Manager, Marketing Communications (Traffic Manager) |
Kenosha |
2625643195 |
Steinmetz, James |
steinmetzj@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Technician-Web & Social Media |
Kenosha |
2625642608 |
Schrader, Loretta |
schraderl@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Support Associate |
Kenosha |
2625643052 |
Shindelar, Carolann |
shindelarc@gtc.edu |
Marketing |
Adjunct - Marketing |
Dakwar, Sarah |
dakwars@gtc.edu |
Marketing |
Instructor, Marketing & Business |
Racine |
2625642395 |
Axelson, Gregory |
axelsong@gtc.edu |
Mail Room |
Mail Services Technician |
Kenosha |
2625642420 |
Zurawski, Matthew |
zurawskim@gtc.edu |
Machine Shop - Wedd |
Instructor, CNC Machining |
2625643197 |
Petersen, Neil |
PetersenN@gtc.edu |
Machine Shop - Wedd |
Instructor, CNC Machining |
2625642577 |
Zavodski, Natalie |
zavodskin@gtc.edu |
Machine Shop |
Adjunct - Machine Shop |
Guajardo, Jamie |
guajardoj@gtc.edu |
Logistics/matls Mgmt |
Instructor, Supply Chain Management |
Off Site |
2625642048 |
Wollert, Courtney |
wollertc@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Learning Innovation Division Support Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625643028 |
Olson, Jennifer |
olsonjm@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Administrative Assistant, Learning Innovation/CIO |
Kenosha |
2625642994 |
Robshaw, Jeffrey |
robshawj@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Vice President, Learning Innovation and CIO |
Kenosha |
2625643676 |
Campbell, Christine |
campbellc@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Learning Innovation Division Support Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642510 |
Diaz, Guillermina |
diazg@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Library Assistant I |
Racine |
2625642145 |
Rohlf, Rachel |
rohlfr@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Librarian |
Racine |
2625642539 |
Kennedy, Elizabeth |
kennedye@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Library Technician |
Racine |
2625642170 |
Redwing, Yesenia |
redwingy@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Library Technician |
Racine |
2625643848 |
Lostetter, Carla |
lostetterc@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-elkhorn |
Library Technician-District Lead |
Elkhorn |
2625642378 |
Haggerty, Dawn |
haggertyd@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-elkhorn |
Librarian |
Elkhorn |
2625642783 |
Domes, Robert |
domesr@gtc.edu |
Library/lr-kenosha |
Library Technician Cataloging/Acquisitions |
Kenosha |
2625642654 |
Conklin, Maureen |
conklinm@gtc.edu |
Library/lr-kenosha |
Library Technician |
Kenosha |
2625642540 |
Barreto, Paige |
barretop@gtc.edu |
Library/lr-kenosha |
Librarian |
Kenosha |
2625642604 |
Flynn, Gary |
flynng@gtc.edu |
Learning Success |
Dean, Learning Success |
Kenosha |
2625642640 |
Draper, Karen |
draperk@gtc.edu |
Learning Success |
Welcome Center Associate, Learning Success Center |
Kenosha |
2625642006 |
Hughes, Linda |
hughesl@gtc.edu |
Learning Success |
Dean Associate |
Kenosha |
2625643082 |
Spino, Jimmie |
SpinoJ@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Instructor, Law Enforcement/Range Master |
Kenosha |
2625642735 |
McCoy, Brent |
mccoyb@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Brey, Andrea |
breya@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Giese, Eric |
giesee@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Staples, Horace |
StaplesH@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Chitwood, Carl |
chitwoodc@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Law Enforcement Training Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643162 |
Govani, Ali |
govania@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Amlong, Kyle |
amlongk@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Miller, Justin |
millerja1@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Instructor/Coordinator, Law Enforcement Academy |
Kenosha |
2625643239 |
Lewellyn Beckmann, Rebecca |
beckmannr@gtc.edu |
Laboratory Assistant |
Instructor/Program Director, Medical Laboratory Technician |
Racine |
2625642554 |
Ramig, Patricia |
ramigp@gtc.edu |
Laboratory Assistant |
Laboratory Technician Assistant |
Racine |
2625642135 |
Perez, Magan |
perezmr@gtc.edu |
Labor Relations |
Director, Employee Engagement |
Kenosha |
2625643058 |
Domes, Derrick |
domesd@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Director, Information Technology |
Kenosha |
2625643740 |
Menzie, Damon |
menzied@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Local Area Network Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643702 |
Becker, Jonathon |
beckerj@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Network Engineer |
Kenosha |
2625642199 |
Harvey, Jonathan |
harveyj@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Cyber Security Analyst |
Kenosha |
2625643618 |
Walker, Justin |
walkerj@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Cybersecurity Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643144 |
Humes, Anthony |
humesa@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Local Area Network Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643720 |
Scheive, Daniel |
scheived@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Local Area Network/Communication Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643768 |
Wiechers, Lorie |
wiechersl@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Manager, IT Systems and Infrastructure |
Kenosha |
2625642760 |
Kaufman, Michael |
kaufmanm@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Wide Area Network Technician |
Kenosha |
2625642486 |
Edwards, Felicia |
edwardsf@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Local Area Network Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643712 |
Pedersen, Hans |
pedersenh@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Infrastructure Computer Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643704 |
Aguirre, David |
aguirred@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
IIoT Technician |
2625643705 |
Weiss, Eric |
weisse@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Infrastructure Computer Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643025 |