Lee, Bao |
leeb@gtc.edu |
Recruitment/placement |
Director, Recruitment |
Racine |
2625642935 |
Lee, Kashawneda |
leek@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Contact Center Associate |
Kenosha |
2625642244 |
Leinberger, Joshua |
leinbergerj@gtc.edu |
It Pa/web/e-business |
Instructor, WEB/Software Developer |
Racine |
2625642929 |
LeMieux, Lauren |
lemieuxl@gtc.edu |
Ems Admin |
Dean Associate |
Burlington |
2625642071 |
Leon, Gabriela |
leong@gtc.edu |
Recruitment/placement |
New Student Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642121 |
Leon, Vanessa |
leonv@gtc.edu |
Recruitment/placement |
New Student Specialist |
Racine |
2625642328 |
Lian, Wangjie |
lianw@gtc.edu |
Foundation |
Foundation Database Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625643143 |
Lieu, Vincent |
lieuv@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Racine |
2625642591 |
Lin, Xiaoying |
linx@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642479 |
Lister, Jason |
listerj@gtc.edu |
Program Director, Fire/EMS |
Burlington |
2625642066 |
Loftus, Kenneth |
loftusk@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Kenosha |
2625642434 |
Lofy, Richard |
LofyR@gtc.edu |
Industrial Manu - Wedd |
Adjunct - Industrial Manufacturing |
Kenosha |
Lohre, Katie |
lohrek@gtc.edu |
Disability Support Services |
Director, Accessibility and Counseling Services |
Elkhorn |
2625642531 |
Lois, Kurt |
loisk@gtc.edu |
Testing Services |
Testing Specialist |
Racine |
2625642451 |
Lois, Laura |
loislj@gtc.edu |
Print Shop-marketing Dept |
Digital Production Technician |
Kenosha |
2625642506 |
Lopez, Jessica |
lopezj1@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Endpoint Technician |
Kenosha |
2625642514 |
Lopez, Samuel |
lopezs@gtc.edu |
Curriculum Center |
Program Effectiveness Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642828 |
Lopez, Samuel |
lopezst@gtc.edu |
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion |
Director, Men of Color Scholars Program |
Racine |
2625642106 |
Lorino, Jeffrey |
lorinoj@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Instructor, Communications |
Racine |
2625642573 |
Lostetter, Carla |
lostetterc@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-elkhorn |
Library Technician-District Lead |
Elkhorn |
2625642378 |
Lovrien, Brenda |
lovrienb@gtc.edu |
Ss Enrollment Services Admin |
CRM Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642912 |
Lowrey, Pam |
lowreyp@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Director, Student Financial Aid |
Kenosha |
2625642670 |
Luedtke, Alyssa |
luedtkea@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Student Finance Specialist |
Elkhorn |
2625642719 |
Lund, Barbara |
lundb@gtc.edu |
English |
Adjunct - PCMP |
Lyons, Daniel |
lyonsd@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics/Physics |
Racine |
2625642441 |
Macao, Nina |
macaon@gtc.edu |
Bursar/student Finances |
Student Accounts Associate |
Kenosha |
2625643141 |
Maccari, Lori |
maccaril@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Burlington |
Mahdasian, David |
mahdasiand@gtc.edu |
Disability Support Services |
Accommodations and Accessibility Coordinators |
Kenosha |
2625642448 |
Mair, Mary |
mairm@gtc.edu |
Interpreter Technician |
Instructor, Interpreter Technician |
Elkhorn |
2625642751 |
Malacara, Stacey |
malacaras@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Director, Trio Support Services |
Racine |
2625642593 |
Maldonado, Luisa |
maldonadol@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-elkhorn |
Custodian (elk) 2nd Shift |
Elkhorn |
2625642594 |
Malloy, Richard |
malloyr@gtc.edu |
English |
Instructor, Adult High School/Communication |
Racine |
2625642600 |
Malone, Shayla |
malones@gtc.edu |
English |
Transition Specialist |
Racine |
2625642572 |
Maluchnick, Nathan |
MaluchnickN@gtc.edu |
Building/maint-imet |
Custodian (IMET) - LEAD |
2625642690 |
Marbes, Sarah |
marbess@gtc.edu |
Service Learning |
Impact Program Coordinator |
Kenosha |
2625643138 |
Marschner, Rebecca |
marschnerr@gtc.edu |
IT - Information Technology |
Instructor, CIS Microcomputer Specialist |
Elkhorn |
2625642752 |
Martinez, Amarilis |
martineza1@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - ELL |
Mason, Kenya |
masonk@gtc.edu |
Grp Dynamics For Traffic Sfty |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Matic, Zarija |
maticz@gtc.edu |
Information Systems |
Programmer/Analyst |
Kenosha |
2625642884 |
Matson, Jennifer |
matsonj@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Adjunct - SoH |
Mattes, Nicholas |
mattesn@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Custodian |
Kenosha |
2625642717 |
Mayen, Olivia |
mayeno@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Director, Academic Advising |
Kenosha |
2625642350 |
Mazzulla, Krystal |
mazzullak@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Adjunct - Soh |
McCluskey, Linea |
mccluskeyl@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Instructor, Barber/Cosmetology |
Racine |
2625642454 |
McCoy, Brent |
mccoyb@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
McCray, Kevin |
mccrayk@gtc.edu |
Career Services |
Career Counselor |
Racine |
2625642489 |
McDuffie, Desmar |
mcduffied@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Student Support Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642546 |
McElmury, Douglas |
mcelmuryd@gtc.edu |
Fire Technology |
Lead Instructor - Credit - SoPHS |
McFarland, Benjamin |
mcfarlandb@gtc.edu |
Welding |
Instructor, Welding |
Racine |
2625642559 |
McGee, Christina |
mcgeec@gtc.edu |
Child Development |
Instructor, Early Childhood Education |
Racine |
2625642535 |
McGee, Linda |
mcgeel@gtc.edu |
Accounting |
Instructor, Accounting |
Racine |
2625642607 |
McGovern, Katrina |
mcgovernk@gtc.edu |
Health/practice Lab |
Health & Technology Learning Center Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642114 |
McGrath, David |
McGrathD@gtc.edu |
Radio Station - Gen Mgmt |
News Director |
Kenosha |
2625643880 |
McIntyre, William |
mcintyrew@gtc.edu |
Hs - Advanced Manufacturing |
Adjunct - Advanced Manufacturing |
McLaughlin, Richard |
McLaughlinR@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Life Sciences |
Kenosha |
2625642316 |
McNaughton, Steven |
mcnaughtons@gtc.edu |
Business Administration |
Dean, School of Business and Transportation |
Horizon |
2625643119 |
Meagher, Molly |
meagherm@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Dean Associate |
Kenosha |
2625643045 |
Meeks, Margaret |
meeksm@gtc.edu |
Science |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Science |
Meisner, Jason |
meisnerj@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Endpoint Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643668 |
Mellen, Marissa |
mellenm@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - PCP |
Mendez, Doris |
mendezd@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Student Express Associate/Campus Cashier |
Racine |
2625642718 |
Mendez, Sam |
Mendezs@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Mechanic - LEAD |
Kenosha |
2625642562 |
Menzie, Damon |
menzied@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Local Area Network Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643702 |
Mertes, Victoria |
mertesv@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Instructor, Medical Assistant |
Elkhorn |
2625642698 |
Meshenky, Patrick |
meshenkyp@gtc.edu |
Fire Technology |
Lead Instructor - Credit - SoPHS |
Meyer, Andrew |
meyera@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Science Technical Assistant |
Elkhorn |
2625642776 |
Miles, Heather |
milesh@gtc.edu |
It Hardware/intro |
Instructor, Computer Support Specialist |
Racine |
2625642488 |
Miller, Justin |
millerja1@gtc.edu |
Law Enforcement Academy |
Instructor/Coordinator, Law Enforcement Academy |
Kenosha |
2625643239 |
Miller, Michelle |
millermm@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Dean Associate |
2625642663 |
Milligan, Ryan |
milliganr@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice Law Enforcement |
Miner, Sabrina |
miners@gtc.edu |
Research, Planning,evaluation |
Grants Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642442 |
Montgomery, Shania |
montgomerys@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Student Life and Engagement Coordinator |
Elkhorn |
2625642633 |
Moody, Scott |
moodys@gtc.edu |
Bldg/site Maint-burlington |
Manager, Facilities - Elkhorn/Burlington |
Elkhorn |
2625642798 |
Mooney, Kate |
mooneyk@gtc.edu |
English |
Instructor, Adult Basic Education - Bilingual |
Elkhorn |
2625642231 |
Morgan, Sabrina |
morgans@gtc.edu |
Promise Program |
Coordinator, Gateway Promise |
Racine |
2625642362 |
Morin, Kelly |
morink@gtc.edu |
Testing Services |
Testing Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642566 |
Morris, Jacqueline |
morrisj@gtc.edu |
Staffing |
Vice President, Talent & Culture |
Kenosha |
2625643032 |
Moser, Cheryl |
moserc@gtc.edu |
Child Development |
Instructor, Early Childhood Education |
Racine |
2625643264 |
Mouradian, Aracely |
mouradiana@gtc.edu |
English |
Instructor, English Language Learner |
Kenosha |
2625642346 |
Muhammad, Ricky |
muhammadr@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Manager, Facilities - Kenosha |
Kenosha |
2625642054 |
Mulhollon, Carrie |
mulhollonc@gtc.edu |
Testing Services |
Testing Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642532 |
Munoz, Mayra |
munozm@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - ELL |
Murphy, Margaret |
murphymj@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Adjunct - SoH |
Navarro, Francisco |
NavarroF@gtc.edu |
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion |
Success Coach, Men of Color |
Kenosha |
2625642136 |
Neal, Kenneth |
nealk@gtc.edu |
Bldg/site Maint-burlington |
Mechanic |
Elkhorn |
2625642860 |
Neff, Christopher |
neffc@gtc.edu |
Student Success Admin |
Project Manager, Title III |
Kenosha |
2625642950 |
Nehls, Dakota |
nehlsd@gtc.edu |
Admissions |
Admissions Associate |
Elkhorn |
2625642320 |
Nehring, Amanda |
nehringa@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Neil, Ludger |
neill@gtc.edu |
Industrial Manufacturing Tech |
Adjunct - Manufacturing Technology |
Nelson, John |
NelsonJ@gtc.edu |
Automated Mfg - Lakeview |
Instructor, Electromech Tech |
Lakeview |
2625643430 |
Nelson, Matthew |
nelsonm@gtc.edu |
Business Management |
Adjunct - Business Management |
Nelson, Paul |
nelsonp@gtc.edu |
It Hardware/intro |
Instructor, CIS Network/Microcomputer Specialist |
Elkhorn |
2625642761 |
Nelson, Susan |
NelsonS@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Instructor, Barber/Cosmetology |
Burlington |
2625642609 |
Nelson, Scott |
nelsonsc@gtc.edu |
Radio Station - Gen Mgmt |
Program Producer/Development Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625643806 |
Nelson, Terry |
nelsonte@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-racine |
Cleaner |
Racine |
2625642437 |
Nesheim, Patty |
nesheimp@gtc.edu |
Disability Support Services |
Accommodations and Accessibility Coordinators |
Elkhorn |
2625642082 |
Nevarez-Larkin, Michelle |
nevarezlarkinm@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Racine |
2625642198 |
Nicolo, Debra |
nicolod@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Adjunct - Acad Dev/Math |
Nielsen, Christine |
nielsenc@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Contact Center Associate |
Kenosha |
2625642347 |
Nikolai, Jane |
nikolaij@gtc.edu |
Admin/financial Services |
Accounting Manager |
Kenosha |
2625643046 |