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Notice of Federal Court Injunction

On July 2, 2024, the District Court of Kansas, Topeka Division, issued a preliminary injunction against the US Department of Education, in Kansas v. U.S. Department of Education et al., preventing enforcement of the 2024 Title IX regulations in full. On July 15, 2024, this ruling extended to 688 colleges and universities, including Gateway Technical College.

On August 1, 2024, administrators with the US Department of Education, at the direction of the Secretary, stated that they will enforce the 2020 Title IX regulations at colleges and universities where an injunction applies. Therefore, Gateway remains subject to the 2020 Title IX regulations and the information on this page, which reflects the 2024 Title IX regulations, is not yet applicable.

The 2020 Title IX regulations remain in effect and the procedures relating resolving allegations of sexual harassment are found in policy H-130: Title IX Grievance Procedures. Non-Title IX sexual harassment cases are resolved using the H-120: Equity Resolution Process. Gateway’s nondiscrimination policy, H-110: Equal Opportunity, Civil Rights, and Sexual Harassment, remains in effect.

Gateway has published a User’s Guide that helps individuals understand the resolution process.

The Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights will continue to keep the college community informed of ongoing changes. Any questions about the impact of this injunction or with the resolution process, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at or 262-564-3062.

  • In the event of a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 immediately.
  • If you feel threatened on campus, wish to report suspicious activity, would like an escort between your transportation to campus and your classroom, or have other security concerns, please call the security number for your campus.
  • Any person may file a Title IX or other civil rights complaint day or night, by phone or email as indicated below.

Know of a concerning behavior, incident, or other concern you would like to report?

File a report

To report discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking, regardless of where it occurred, you can complete the report on this page or contact Josh Vollendorf, Director of Compliance/Title IX, ADA and Clery Coordinator, at, 262-564-3062, Racine Campus, Lake Building, L101.

Confidential Reporting: Those who wish to make a confidential report may do so to any Student Support Counselor (SSC). The SSC cannot tell anyone what you reported without your permission, except in limited circumstances.

As a member of the Gateway Technical College community, Title IX protects you from discrimination on the basis of sex in all of Gateway’s programs, activities, and services, including employment. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

While the law is only one sentence, the US Department of Education has issued Title IX regulations that are hundreds of pages and comments which guide the college’s compliance efforts. The Title IX Coordinator retains ultimate oversight of the responsibility to: coordinate Gateway’s intervention efforts in response to possible sex discrimination; ensure consistent, equitable treatment of complainants and respondents; and provide supportive measures and resources which are designed to restore or preserve equal access to Gateway’s education program or activity and to end sex discrimination and prevent its recurrence (§ 106.44(f) of the 2024 Title IX Regulations). This means that Gateway Technical College prohibits all unlawful forms of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment. This prohibition applies to all students, employees, contractors, guests and visitors. Gateway is required to address all cases of conduct that would reasonably constitute sex discrimination and sex-based harassment.

Please review our Notice of Rights and Options for victims of sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.

Allegations that occurred between August 14, 2020 and July 31, 2024 are handled under the policies and procedures in place at the time of the allegations.

Gateway’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights provides support measures, investigations and resolution options without regard to the legal status of the parties or witnesses and does not report immigration status to immigration authorities.