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News Release:

Today’s generation should ponder how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would advocate for civil rights today.

Gateway Technical College Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration keynote speaker state Rep. David Bowen said Monday he hopes that 40 years from now, he can tell his grandchildren that he did all he could to advocate for the rights of all and give them the chance to live and fulfill their legacy.

“It is our turn to continue to hold up the mirror, the same mirror the civil rights movement held up, to say you can be better,” said Bowen. “The written founding documents of this country destined you to be better.”

Bowen made his comments at the college’s 23rd annual celebration held in the Madrigrano Auditorium in the Conference Center of the college’s Kenosha Campus, 3520-30th Ave. This year’s theme is “The King in You.”

Gateway also honored its six area residents selected as this year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Humanitarians, individuals recognized for their contributions to society at their school, business or profession, as well as their dedication to volunteerism or philanthropic life’s work.

This year’s Humanitarians are:

  • Lawrence Terry, Racine
  • Alex Hart-Upendo, Racine
  • Jeffrey and Nicole Urquhart, Racine
  • Warren and Joannie Williams, Mount Pleasant

The broadcast of today’s event, as well as a video honoring the Humanitarians, can be found at:

Gateway also recognized 79 Peace Mentor Award recipients and 22 Kenosha Unified School District Youth Kindness Award recipients.

For further questions, please contact Zina Haywood at (262) 564-3104.