Men of Color Scholars program

Men of Color Scholars Program

The Men of Color Scholars program creates a safe and inclusive environment that supports the academic, personal and professional growth of men of color at Gateway. We believe in removing barriers and providing intentional support through specific resources, mentorship and guidance. Through an unwavering commitment to your success, we hope to foster unprecedented opportunities for you that have the potential to transform your life. While the program has a focus on male students of color, all students are welcome to participate.

Academic Support and Resources

We facilitate academic support through secondary advising, during which academic options and plans are built to facilitate successful course and program completion.

Community of Belonging

Through small group discussion and gatherings, the program builds community centered on addressing common academic and social issues often faced by program participants.

One-On-One Mentoring

In coordination with campus and community professionals, program participants have access to resume-building mentorship opportunities.

Social and Cultural Programming

While academics are a priority, it's important to connect socially too. Through partnerships with Red Hawks Esports and other programs, a variety of fun activities are held each semester.